
茱莉亚学院预科班在周六上课,一般从上午9点到下午6点. 学生们必须准备好在这些时间上课. 因为调度的复杂性, students may be asked to take private lessons in their major or 室 music coachings during the week.

  • 私人课程(60分钟)
  • 音乐理论
  • 耳朵的培训


  • 管弦乐队
  • 室内乐
  • 黄铜类
  • 作曲家的论坛
  • 作曲家对位法
  • 吉他合奏
  • 竖琴曲目班
  • 打击乐合奏
  • 钢琴演奏论坛
  • 芦苇班(双簧管和巴松管)
  • 声乐表演班
  • 歌手用词
  • 私人课程(第二乐器或作曲)
  • 高级耳部培训
  • 亚历山大健身术
  • 合唱
  • 进行
  • 对位法
  • 团体组成
  • 即兴创作研讨会
  • 音乐史:巴赫到马勒
  • 音乐史:20世纪音乐
  • Post-Tonal理论
  • 恢复力的科学
  • 超越钢琴独奏
  • 编曲基础
  • 音乐技术
  • 声音

充足的表演机会加强了学习. Pre-College每季举办200多场公开演出, 包括独奏, 室, 以及在esball世博和林肯中心举办的管弦乐音乐会.


A dynamic sequence that builds vocabulary and concepts from elementary topics to advanced studies in form analysis and chromatic harmony. The program cultivates musicianship by developing analytical and listening skills that connect classroom learning to musical repertoire. Additional advanced electives are offered on a rotating basis, tailored to match students' interests.
每周一小时. 考试定岗.

耳朵训练是音乐家成长的重要组成部分. The various activities aid the student in perfecting pitch and rhythm performance skills. 学生学会识别和声并作出反应, 旋律, 以及通过背诵和听写的节奏结构. At the most advanced levels, students apply aural skills to performance repertoire. 读谱,读谱号,换位.
每周一小时. 考试定岗.

All students majoring in an orchestral instrument participate in one of three orchestras: the Pre-College String Ensemble, 预科交响曲, 或大学预科乐团. The orchestral repertoire covered in this program offers students a comprehensive performing experience through various periods and genres. 所有协奏曲的独奏者都是通过比赛选出的大学预科学生.
每周两个半小时. 按年龄和行政部门的决定在管弦乐队中的位置.

With the major teacher's approval, all students are eligible for 室 music. 在他们的学习期间, 符合条件的学生必须参加室内乐至少一年. 竖琴, 低音提琴, 的声音, 打击乐器, 器官, and composition majors are exempt from this requirement and are offered additional studio or ensemble classes.
每周一小时. 由管理部门酌情决定在室内乐课程的安排.

All students majoring in piano and 器官 are required to participate in 钢琴演奏论坛, 哪所学校全年为学生提供表演机会. Special class topics include introduction to different keyboard instruments, 各种风格的表演, 还有教授和客座艺术家的大师班.

The Voice program is designed to prepare young singers for the rigorous demands of conservatory training. 除了音乐理论, 耳朵的培训, 还有私人课程, 声乐专业的学生需要练习声乐, 声乐表演班, 还有30分钟的声乐训练. 他们还被鼓励上30分钟的钢琴课. 申请人在试镜时必须年满14岁.


Students who wish to pursue studies on a second instrument or composition must apply for instruction in August before the start of each academic year. Acceptance for secondary instruction is based on faculty approval and availability. 并非所有的二级指导申请都会获得批准. 二级教学要额外收费.

教练:博士. 埃文·费恩,时间待定. Advanced course designed for those interested in composition and conducting. 前提条件:完成大学预科听力训练课程. 

教练:女士. 范妮Wyrick-Flax. 调整到你最主要的乐器——你自己! 学会给脊柱减压, 缓解紧张气氛, and boost your balance to find your musical flow through the 亚历山大健身术. Semester long class (15 weeks) offered in the Fall and the Spring Semesters. 所有预备班学生开放. 可能需要支付额外费用.

教练:博士. 爱尔兰共和军的新任总理. 巴洛克风格概览, Classical and Romantic periods through the lives and music of the great composers. 开放给所有预备班学生. 可能需要支付额外费用.

教练:博士. 特雷弗·韦斯顿. 二十世纪的创作经历了巨大的变化, 生产, 以及西方文化中的音乐观念. Although artists in all fields during the last century looked for new forms of expression, composers introduced drastic new approaches to creating music that sometimes produced controversial results. This course will cover all major historical developments in Twentieth Century 音乐 and connect these changes to extra musical and artistic movements of the last century. The fall term will cover music from the end of the Romantic period to World War II. The Spring semester will examine changes since the Second World War to the end of the century. 所有预备班学生开放.  可能需要支付额外费用.

为对音乐创作感兴趣的学生开设的小组班, 但几乎没有经验. 学习音高、节奏、线条和曲式的基本概念. 二声部和三声部的写作作业. 学生进步讨论. 课程可以在不同的层次上重复.
每周一小时. 开放给所有预科非作曲专业的学生. 可能需要支付额外费用.

二声和三声对位的物种研究. 写作练习.
Prerequisite: Advanced level of theory and 耳朵的培训, and permission of the department. 18世纪对位法的研究,包括正曲和赋格. 写作练习和分析. Required for composition majors who are scheduled for the class automatically. 对所有非作曲专业的学生开放. 可能需要支付额外费用.

教练:博士. Eric Sessler,时间待定. This course will investigate various analytical approaches to post-tonal music. 这些作曲家中包括德彪西, 拉威尔, 斯特拉文斯基, and Bartok with an introduction to the Second Viennese School and various serial techniques. 前提条件:完成大学预科音乐理论课程. 

管弦乐指挥的实践课程, 包括指挥棒技术, 成绩分析, and the study of technical and musical problems involved in conducting classical and contemporary works. 经许可,所有预备班学生开放. 可能需要支付额外费用. 

压力少一点,成就多一点! 在本课程中, you will use fun tools like Virtual Reality and biofeedback to learn how to elicit the Relaxation Response, 与压力反应相反. Maximize your performance in all areas of life with more motivation and less procrastination. Positive psychology and emotional intelligence skills backed by research at the Benson Henry Institute at Massachusetts General Hospital, 哈佛大学, will optimize your brain and improve your health down to the genomic level so you can perform, 联系, 睡眠, 多吃多动. 所有预备班学生开放. 可能需要支付额外费用.

The ability to improvise is one of the most essential skills for any musician. 它能培养自信, 言论自由, 创造力, 更好地理解我们所研究的部分. 在本课程中 you will improvise in a wide range of styles from the 18th to 21th centuries, 注重构图思维, 谐波的想象力, 以及旋律流畅性. 所有预备班学生开放. 可能需要支付额外费用.

指导老师:佐佐木美香,下午4点. This elective for piano majors explores repertoire and keyboard skills that challenge the student beyond the study of solo piano playing. Students will read a variety of 室 music repertoire written for the keyboard, 学习管弦乐和室内乐的乐谱, 转置的歌曲, practice playing harmonic progressions to set a foundation for 旋律 harmonization and improvisation, and explore contemporary extended techniques as well as less familiar repertoire. Sharpening these skills at the piano will deepen the student’s understanding of the musical language and literature and support their future endeavors in their solo piano studies and beyond. 钢琴专业开放. 可能需要支付额外费用.

学习乐器在室内乐和管弦乐中是如何协同工作的. 听力和写作练习. 经许可向所有学生开放. Required for composition majors who are scheduled for the class automatically.

教练:女士. Katie Jenkins; 9am and 10am. This course will allow students the chance to build skills in music technology in order to compose, 编辑, 录制并制作自己的音乐, 使他们全面发展, 自给自足的音乐家在当今不断发展的行业. 本课程将涵盖以下领域:基本使用的逻辑专业, 工作室的技术, 混合掌握技能, 家庭工作室设置和屏幕评分. Students can create music of different levels of complexity depending on their experience with the technology. 首页work may include recording, composition exercises, 生产 tasks and listening assignments. The course will conclude with a final project in the form of an original piece of music, 带有合成图片的选项. 所有预备班学生开放. 前提条件:可以使用笔记本电脑或台式电脑. 可能需要支付额外费用.

对声音本身的基本探索, 既是物理现象又是生物感觉, 根据音乐家的需求量身定制. 音色, 调优系统, 我们将讨论结构声学, 并提出以下问题:到底什么是声音? 什么是泛音,为什么它们很重要? 为什么不同的乐器发出的声音是不同的? 音乐调音中的“气质”是什么? 随着时间的推移,调音是如何演变的? 什么是调音的“正确方式”? 演出场地如何塑造声音? 什么样的结构特征能产生良好的声学效果? 人体对声音有什么反应? 为什么我们会听到我们听到的? 所有预备班学生开放. 可能需要支付额外费用.

最后更新日期:10月11日星期三. 02, 2024, 03:43PM